Selasa, 02 November 2010

Because of you

For you

I awake each day with a smile
And greet it with a laugh;
The world is a treasure to me
Because of you.

Every time I think of something sad,
I replace the thought- with you!
My mind is instantly changed
And my heart is filled with gladness.

Every breath I take is meant for you,
I live this life surrounded in joy
And I bathe in the promise of your love,
My soul belongs to you.

Each time I see something beautiful
I want to take it and bring it to you;
My life has so much meaning now
All because of you.

Off to Long


I've let his out of my life, my sincere hope for the conduct of all that is done...
Maybe she's happier out there to start life with more beautiful than me, not necessarily him feel what he feels right now..

All the promises it has made already I forget and i destroy to keep him unencumbered by any promise to me...
You was one angel who had pounced on and crushed my heart out, the pain that you ripped it will always remind me to you how much I love you as deep as I dive for self awaits your return...

For I.A

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Focuskan diri

Bila kamu memandang diri mu kecil, dunia akan tampak sempit, dan tindakan mu pun jadi kerdil
Namun bila mu memandang diri anda besar, dunia terlihat luas, kamu pun melakukan hal-hal penting dan berharga
Tindakan mu adalah cermin bagaimana kamu melihat dunia. Sementara dunia mu tak lebih luas dari pikiran mu tentang dirimu sendiri. Itulah mengapa kita diajarkan untuk berprasangka positif pada diri sendiri, agar kita bisa melihat dunia lebih indah, dan bertindak selaras dengan kebaikan-kebaikan yang ada dalam pikiaran kita.
Padahal dunia tidak butuh penilaian apa-apa dari kita. Ia menggemakan apa yang ingin kita dengar. Bila kita takut menghadapi dunia, sesungguhnya kita takut menghadapi diri kita sendiri
Maka bukan soal apakah kita berprasangka positif atau negatif terhadap diri sendiri. Melampaui di atas itu, kita perlu jujur melihat diri sendiri apa adanya. Dan dunia pun menampakkan realitanya yang selama ini tersembunyi di balik penilaian-penilaian kita.